Cancellation Policy
Please be courteous and call our clinic promptly if you are unable to attend your appointment. We understand that things happen and conflicts arise. We ask that you give a 24-hour notice so that we can make that time available to another patient. Our voicemail is available to receive messages when we are closed. You can also text us or email us as well.
Late Arrival Policy
We ask you to arrive on time for your scheduled appointment time so you may benefit from your full exam time. A grace period of 10 minutes will be granted for unforeseen delays you may encounter while traveling to our hospital. If you arrive more than 10 minutes late for an appointment, we will try and offer options of being seen as a work-in or we may need to reschedule your appointment. Options to see late-arriving clients will vary based on our schedule.
No Show Policy
A “no show” is someone who misses an appointment without canceling within 24 hours of a scheduled appointment. No-shows inconvenience those individuals who need access to medical care in a timely manner. Failure to be present at the time of a scheduled appointment will be recorded in the patient’s record as a “no show.”
Clients who have three or more no-show appointments will be required to leave a non-refundable deposit of $85.00 to schedule the next appointment. If at that time you are a no-show for your appointment, the $85.00 will be applied to your account as a "No Show Fee."
Please understand that we have created this policy out of respect for those clients who are waiting to have their pets be seen.
Payment is due at the time services are rendered. If you have any special considerations regarding payment, please discuss this with the receptionist prior to seeing the doctor. We accept a variety of payment options, including cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and CareCredit.

CareCredit is a personal line of credit for healthcare, both human and veterinary, that works like a credit card. To apply, click here for the CareCredit Online Credit Application or call their 24/7 phone number at 1-800-365-8295.